Killing all tracks

The action

/gamos/userAction GmKillAtStackingActionUA

serves to kill all particles at the stacking action G4ClassificationOfNewTrack method, i.e. before they start being tracked. You may use it in combination with one or several filters to kill only the particles that are accepted by them. For example,

/gamos/userAction GmKillAtStackingActionUA GmElectronFilter

will only kill electrons.

If you want to apply the killing at stepping action, probably because you want to apply some step filter, you can use the user action:

/gamos/userAction GmKillAtSteppingActionUA

It is also possible to kill at the beginning of tracking action (when the track starts). The difference with respect to killing at stacking action is that at least a first step is done for each track, and you can get some information of each track. To do this, you can use the user actions:

/gamos/userAction GmKillAtTrackingActionUA